The Quick-DNA Plus Kits are the easiest DNA isolation kits for high yield total DNA extraction (e.g., genomic, mitochondrial, viral), cell culture, solid tissue, saliva, and any biological fluid sample. Innovative reagents and Zymo-Spin Technology allow for ultra-pure and concentrated genomic DNA > 50 kb to be eluted in as little as 10 µl. Zymo-Spin Columns ensure no buffer retention. Purified DNA is RNA-free bypassing the need for RNase A treatment and ensuring accurate quantification for applications like library preparations. Isolated DNA is suitable for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications including qPCR, DNA-seq, arrays, and methylation analysis.
Quick & Easy: Simple 20 minute procedure.
Highest Yield: Recover 3x more DNA.
Ultra-Pure: Ready for qPCR, Next-Gen Sequencing, arrays, etc