DYKDDDDK Fab-Trap™ was used for immunoprecipitation of Flag®-tagged protein from HEK293T cell lysate. During elution with 3xDYKDDDDK-peptide (fp-1) the enriched Flag® fusion protein is released from DYKDDDDK Fab-Trap™. Western blot was probed with DYKDDDDK tag Polyclonal antibody (Binds to FLAG® tag epitope) (Proteintech, 20543-1-AP) and Nano-Secondary® alpaca anti-human IgG/anti-rabbit IgG, recombinant VHH, Alexa Fluor® 488 [CTK0101, CTK0102] (srbAF488-1). L: Prestained protein marker (Proteintech, PL00001), I: Input, FT: Flow-Through, E: Elution.