HemoVoid™ - Hemoglobin Depletion Reagent Kit
Hemoglobin voids in flow-through >98%, with <30 minute bind/wash/elute protocol
Hemoglobin removal from red cell lysates for RBC proteomics
Hemoglobin removal from hemolyzed serum, blood and dried blood spot/blood card
Enrichment of hemoglobin variants.
Low abundance protein and enzyme enrichment
Disposable, cost-effective and high-throughput
Mild elution maintains tertiary structure and simple transfer to secondary analysis
Removes hemoglobin from species including human, sheep, bovine, goat, etc.
Removes hemoglobin from organs, tissues.
The eluted fractions retain their enzymatic and biological activity
The eluted fraction is compatible with LC-MS, activity based protein profiling and proteomic studies