
首页> 生物试剂
胶体金,100 nm
  • 商城价格 登录后可查看价格
  • 货号 EM.GC100/4
  • 品牌 BBI Solutions ( 经销商 )
  • CAS号
  • 规格/包装 20 ML
  • 单位
  • 储存条件
  • 现货状态 一周

  • 数量

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商家描述 产品评价(0)


BBI Solutions’ gold colloid is renowned for enhancing assay sensitivity and stability, and is cost-efficient. Our unique gold nanoparticle recipe has been used for over 20 years and is used in over 400 million tests in the global marketplace per year. Our gold colloid is ideal for a range of applications including lateral flow assays, TEM, SEM, environmental detection and purification, data storage, biomarkers, SERS, photo-thermolysis, catalysis, chemical sensors, and DNA detection. Please note this is for in vitro use only and in not to be consumed.


  • ?BBI particles are proven stable for at least twelve months and are supplied with a minimum of three month’s expiry. Stable particles ensure a settled testing regime, saving you time and wastage. ?Uniform shape and standard size with a low coefficient of variation. This ensures even antibody loading giving reliable results in your assay. ?Manufacturing scale. Batch sizes of up to 350+ litres to ensure you have a continuous supply.


Flow cytometry; SERRS; Forensic science


如果要稀释胶体金以供使用,建议使用与制造过程中使用的纯度相当(电阻率 ≥18MΩ)的纯净水


浓度 0.01%